Version Store based on PostgreSQL
Sophora now manages and stores all document versions in a
PostgreSQL database. Internal tests show a vastly improved publishing and syncing performance. The number of versions, which can go into the hundreds of thousands, has no relevant impact on the overall performance any more.
Sophora Indexing Service and SolrCloud
Search just got much faster. The Solr search engine is no longer embedded in the Sophora Server anymore. Sophora now uses
SolrCloud, a distributed version of Solr. SolrCloud and the Sophora Server can now be scaled independently. The Sophora Indexing Service (aka "
SISI") updates SolrCloud with documents.
Sophora Indexing Service
Outsourced: Sophora Linkchecker
The Link Checker is no longer embedded in the Sophora Server and can thus be scaled independently and no longer affect the performance of the Sophora Server. New features of Linkchecker include a REST API and improved metrics.
Sophora Linkchecker
Clean up
We removed legacy and outdated features form the Sophora Server and discontinued support for LevelDB, Sophora Database Binary Store, legacy Sophora Categories and Sophora Additional Content Server (ACS).