The Sophora Server is the heart of the Sophora CMS.
The Sophora Server manages the entire content repository. The Sophora Server is a Java application that is designed to meet high expectations in terms of performance and reliability.
There are three roles that a Sophora Server can have:
The Sophora Primary Servers can be clustered and the Sophora Delivery Servers can be operated in a network.
Sophora divides tasks between a Sophora Primary Server for editing work and the Sophora Delivery Servers for content delivery.
The Sophora Primary Server sends the content to all connected Sophora Delivery Servers. You can connect as many Sophora Delivery Servers as necessary; all are fail-safe.
Each server saves the live content locally in its own repository and delivers it even if the other servers fail. Each Sophora Delivery Server in the default configuration uses a fully encapsulated Java database. This reduces the administrative workload and means additional servers can be rapidly deployed.
Sophora also has a reliable fallback concept for the Sophora Primary Server. Fallback servers can be connected to the Sophora Primary Server and can be constantly provided with all content in all versions.
A fallback server is readily available in an emergency.