
TableStar Add-on

TableStar takes sports results from various sources, calculates a variety of tables and delivers them centrally.

Sophora TableStar
Sophora TableStar (Image: subshell/CC BY)

Good news for sports editors! Our software Sophora TableStar makes working with tables easier.

TableStar is an innovative software that allows all processes to be improved around the creation and calculation of sports tables for team sports.

As a genuine all-rounder, TableStar takes sports results from various sources, calculates a variety of tables and delivers them centrally - in standardized XML, as a teletext page or in HTML.

Managing and Publishing Sports Results: Highlights

  • No time-consuming and error-prone repetitive tasks
  • Reliable calculation of sports tables for each team sport, each rule and regulation system, and each competition
  • Structured, media-neutral long-term data storage
  • The possibility for multiple use of the contents: multi-channel publishing for online, mobile, Teletext and other channels
  • User-friendly interface
  • Ability to link sport data with other editorial content
  • Use of existing Sophora features such Importer etc.

Document Types for Sports Data

Sophora offers online sports desks new document types, which are specialized in generating sports data.  

  • Sports Event: For depicting a sports event
  • Competition: In order to create a single sports contest of a sports event
  • Result Round: For presenting results of individual sports contests and /or rounds
  • Encounter: In order to display matches between teams and athletes as well as the belonging sports results to the encounters
  • Medals table: For picturing medals tables and also ranking and results lists for sports events
  • Athlete’s portrait: Document for creating information about athletes
  • Live ticker: For publishing ticker entries and results of individual competitions and rounds


New disciplines and competition forms at sports events pose new challenges for online sports desks. Changes can cause the necessity for new document types.

That does not count for Sophora! Sophora’s document types oriented on sports data are flexibly usable. New sports results and contests can be easily integrated in Sophora – without causing any problems.

Sports Data Can be Changed at Any Time

In general, sports results are delivered via an external provider for sports data. In order to react flexibly at any time when technical problems occur it is possible to edit individual sports results manually.

Thus, Sophora offers further security standards for sports desks which are dealing with sports data.

Migration from Data of the Result Manager to Sophora

Existing data of the result manager, for example data of a SQL database, can be migrated to Sophora without further ado.

The advantage when creating new documents by using Sophora is, that editors can fall back on existing data without entering those in the content management system again.

Especially for recurring major sports events is the integration of former data of interest for editors, for example in order to create sports histories.


  • Calculate, store and display all sport results on the Web and teletext
  • Combination possibilities of all forms of competition from league matches, elimination rounds and play-offs. For example, it is possible in soccer to combine results and additional information from games of the Bundesliga, DFB Cup, Champions League and World Cup, with the league results first
  • The desired sports are freely definable via Sophora’s editor. You can specify the name, number of intermediate results (mid-term, third, etc. ), number of extensions, sorting, scoring, labels for intermediate results and other settings
  • TableStar is configurable and calculates points for wins, losses, and tied contests. The software allows various evaluations using tables, flash tables, live tables, home - and away tables, ever curves, "perpetual tables"
  • With TableStar you can also define data tables for arbitrary structured data. When you import data, this data can be mapped to the defined data tables. Of course, you can also manually maintain the data. We have thought of everything - even to the storing of ready-made tables, where no calculation is necessary, such as top scorer tables


Development, Editing
Compatible With
Is an Add-on
Is Part Of
Sophora DeskClient Plug-in
subshell GmbH