The Sophora Metadata Supplier enables a standardized delivery of metadata for the ARD Mediathek/Audiothek.
The Sophora Metadata Supplier delivers video, live stream and broadcast series metadata as well as season and episode information for the ARD Mediathek/Audiothek to the API.
The Sophora Metadata Supplier provides a framework that takes over the complete communication between the respective Sophora instance and the API of
The Sophora Metadata Supplier observes relevant changes to videos and other documents in the Sophora repository of the respective broadcaster and automatically propagates them to the API. If necessary, these updates can also be triggered "manually".
A separate REST interface in the Sophora Metadata Supplier also enables the delivery of content from external systems to the ARD Mediathek/Audiothek.
The concrete implementation of the mappings of the individual broadcasters and facilities is project-specific, as the document models differ from one another. The same applies to the integration into the respective individual system infrastructure.
The Sophora Metadata Supplier always behaves identically towards, regardless of how the mappings of the broadcasters are implemented, so that there is only one way in which the API is addressed.
The Sophora Metadata Supplier is an independent Spring Boot application that customers can install in their Sophora system infrastructure in the same way as a Sophora Importer.