Document Modelling

Map Fields

Learn how to use the map string fields.


A map field may contain one or more points on a map, linestrings, or an area. The map is integrated directly into the editor. To learn more about how to use maps, please read the documentation of the add-on. This input field will save the map as KML and displays KML correspondingly.

+++ (Image: subshell/CC BY)
ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
Initial Latitude
Latitude for the center of the initially visible map.53.54258Decimal degrees
Initial Longitude
Longitude for the center of the initially visible map.10.00155Decimal degrees
Initial Zoom Level
Zoom level on the center of the map, which defines the visible area (0 = whole world to 28 = very close).10Positive integer
Save Clipping
Indicates if the selected clipping should be saved.falsetrue/false
Provider Configuration
Defines the appearance of the map and the behaviour of the search field. The configuration contains among others the map tile service to use and additionally available map styles. For the syntax see below.{providerName: 'osm'}JSON
Allow Points
Allowing to save one or multiple points on the map.nonenone/single/multiple
Allow Linestrings
Allowing to save one or multiple linestrings on the map.nonenone/single/multiple
Allow Areas
Allowing to save one or multiple areas on the map.nonenone/single/multiple
Show as Dialog
Show the maps field in a dialog window.falsetrue/false

The provider configuration is a JSON object. It is defined by the following TypeScript interface where keys with a question mark are optional:

export interface TilesConfiguration {
 providerName: 'bing' | 'osm' | 'mapbox' | 'custom',
  providerConfiguration?: olx.source.BingMapsOptions | olx.source.OSMOptions | olx.source.XYZOptions,
  availableMapStyles?: Array<MapStyle>,
  saveMapStyle?: boolean,
  searchProviderConfiguration?: SearchProviderConfiguration

So the valid names for providerName are either 'bing' for Bing Maps, 'osm' for OpenStreetMap, 'mapbox' for Mapbox or 'custom' for a non-standard tiles provider (e.g. a self hosted OpenStreetMap). The providerConfiguration must be an OpenLayers object. The exact syntax can be found in the OpenLayers documentation. Sample configurations for the three different tiles providers are listed below.

The availableMapStyles, if given, provide a dropdown on the map where the style can be changed. It is a list of 'key'-'label' pairs. The keys depend on the providerName. For OpenStreetMap no further styles are supported. For Bing Maps a value for imagerySet must be given. For Mapbox different URLs can be set. In each case, the label can be chosen freely and will be visible in the dropdown.

When saveMapStyle is set to true, the selected map style in the editor will be saved into the KML within the ExtendedData section.

The searchProviderConfiguration controls which external provider is used for performing the text search. Although the list of providers overlaps with the list of tiles providers, they don't have to match. You totally can display map tiles from Bing but use the search API by Mapbox. By default the search API Nominatim by OpenStreetMap will be used. See the section below for a more detailed explanation on configuration and alternatives.

Example for OpenStreetMap

  providerName: 'osm'

Example for Bing Maps

	providerName: 'bing',
	providerConfiguration: {
		key: 'YourBingApiKey',
		culture: 'de-DE',
		imagerySet: 'Road'
	availableMapStyles: [{
			key: 'Road',
			label: 'Streets'
		}, {
			key: 'Aerial',
			label: 'Satellite'
		}, {
			key: 'AerialWithLabels',
			label: 'Satellite with Labels'
	saveMapStyle: true,
	searchProviderConfiguration: {
		name: 'bing',
		apiKey: 'YourBingApiKey'

Example for Mapbox

	providerName: 'mapbox',
	providerConfiguration: {
		url: '{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YourAccessToken'
	availableMapStyles: [{
			key: '{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YourAccessToken',
			label: 'Dark'
		}, {
			key: '{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YourAccessToken',
			label: 'Outdoors'
		}, {
			key: '{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=YourAccessToken',
			label: 'Satellite'
	searchProviderConfiguration: {
		name: 'mapbox',
		apiKey: 'YourAccessToken'

Example for self hosted map tiles

  providerName: 'custom',
  providerConfiguration: {
    url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
    tilePixelRatio: 2
  searchProviderConfiguration: {
    name: 'nominatim',
    url: ''

Configuring the search provider

The search provider configuration is a composed Json object itself which follows this syntax:

export interface SearchProviderConfiguration {
  name: 'bing' | 'osm' | 'mapbox' | 'nominatim',
  url:? string,
  apiKey?: string

The API-Key is not needed for osm and a custom provider. OSM is the default. If you are using the search API by mapbox then you have to use your AccessToken to fill into the apiKey property.

You can use 'nominatim' to provide a custom Nominatim server.

Map (Bing)

A map field may contain one or more spots on a map, routes, or an area. The map is integrated directly into the document. To learn more about how to use maps, please read the documentation of the add-on.

ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
API VersionBing API Version87 or 8
Initial LatitudeLatitude of the center of the map on opening.53.56315Decimal degrees
Initial LongitudeLongitude of the center of the map on opening.9.97558Decimal degrees
Allow Geo Shapes in MapsConfigures, whether points, lines, routes or shapes can be created or modified on the map.truetrue/false

Map Location (Bing)

With a Map Location field, you will not see the whole map in the document, but only a text field. You can edit the location by clicking on the button on the right which will then open a map. The text field itself is read-only and will always show the currently selected location.

+++ (Image: subshell/CC BY)
ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
ModeYou can choose, whether just one single location should be selected (Location), or if it is possible to select multiple locations, routes and areas (analogously to the Map field) (Clip).LocationLocation, Clip
API VersionBing API version87 or 8
Initial LatitudeLatitude of the center of the map on opening.53.56315Decimal degrees
Initial LongitudeLongitude of the center of the map on opening.9.97558Decimal degrees
Display coordinatesWhen the Map Location field is used in a dynamic table, it is possible to display only the location's coordinates instead of its full address in a table cell. This is useful for increasing the dynamic table's performance.falsetrue/false

Last modified on 3/9/20

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
