Document Modelling


Learn more about the string field type "Table".

This field type will display a table. Every table has a headline and a summary, while you can add an arbitrary number of rows and columns. The first row is always used as a header. Available features include:

  • Text formatting (bold, italic)
  • Markup (inclding abbreviations)
  • Links (either to other documents or external links)
  • Images (add via drag and drop)
+++ (Image: subshell/CC BY)
ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
Spell Checking AvailableConfigure, if spell checking should be made available in the tablefalsetrue/false
Select Value ProviderAllow the configuration of additional settings. The resulting setting options will be made available between the table body and the summary.NoneSee section about aelect value input field types
Number of LinesDetermine how many table rows should already be there on startup2positive integers

Last modified on 3/9/20

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
