Document Modelling

Form Wizard

Learn more about the string field type "Form Wizard".

Using a Form Wizard input field is a brilliant way to configure a web form. It visualizes the structure of the form with a tree. It is possible to add new elements or remove existing ones via the context menu. All elements can be edited when selected.

ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
Max. Pages Count
Maximum number of pages that can be created.No restrictionPositive integers.
Max. Column Count
Maximum number of colums that can be configured side by side.No restrictionPositive integers. If set to 0, it is not possible to create multiple columns.
Max. Recursion Depth of Groups
Limits the recursion depth of nested groups to the specified value.No restrictionPositive integers. If set to 0, groups will not be creatable.
Supported Field Types
Specifies the field types that can be selected in the form wizard for each input field.NoneHTML Field Types

For displaying such a configured form on a web page, a built-in function generates a simple HTML form. In a template JSP, you could use this simple command for building the first page of the form stored in the property example:form.

+++ (Image: subshell/CC BY)

If you wish to build a custom template, you can access the model OnlineForm by using the following property function:


A rudimentary template could look like this:

<c:forEach items="${current['example:form'].toForm.pages}" var="page">
	<h2>Form Page</h2>
	<c:forEach items="${page.elements}" var="element">
			<c:when test="${element.getClass().name == 'com.subshell.sophora.client.onlineform.Group'}">
				<h3>Group "${element.caption}"</h3>
				<%-- TODO recursively list elements --%>
			<c:when test="${element.getClass().name == 'com.subshell.sophora.client.onlineform.Columns'}">
				<h3>${element.columns} Columns</h3>
				<%-- TODO recursively list elements --%>
			<c:when test="${element.getClass().name == 'com.subshell.sophora.client.onlineform.InputField'}">
				<input type="${}" name="${element.identifier}" />

Last modified on 3/9/20

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
