Document Modelling

Category and taxonomy fields

Model category and taxonomy fields in Sophora.

Enhanced Category

Let the user select a value from enhanced categories. Note, that only those enhanced categories are shown in this input field that are actually configured as a select value provider of a property in a document type. Thus, this input field is not made to assign enhanced categories to documents. It is designed to assemble a query, for instance in filter documents.


The input field type Taxonomies is only available to those users who purchased the add-on Taxo.

An input field of this type can be used to enter multiple values which can be reused (tags). These values can be any kind of text, words or phrases. There needs to be a backing system document in which all entered values are stored. Already stored values will be proposed automatically when typing in the field. The system document also contains a list of words and phrases that should not be used as tags. You can find the details of administrating Taxonomies in the administration documentation for the corresponding add-on.

Because you can have more than one taxonomy system document, each containing a (different) denylist of prohibited and allowlist of already existing words, it is necessary that you select one of those. Therefore, use the parameter Taxonomy Document in the property configuration. It will offer you all available taxonomy documents from which you have to pick one. Then, every tag you add to the property in the document editor will also be stored in that system document. You may also define a maximum number of tags the field shall contain, by default there is no limitation on that.

Last modified on 2/22/24

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