Document Modelling


Learn how to use the string field password.

The input field type Password allows to store a string as plain text, hash, or in encrypted form. Therefore, it is particularly useful for storing passwords.

Note, that a single property configured as password will appear as two text fields in the document editor - one field for entering the password, and a second field for repeating it. You can only save the document, if you enter exactly the same character sequence into both fields. As you may know from password input fields in other programs, it will not be possible to recognize individual characters within the password field.

ParameterDescriptionDefaultRange of Values
Validation ExpressionConfigure, what should be permitted as a valid password. For instance, every password should contain at least one special character.-An arbitrary regex. See the Java Documentation for more details.
Store asChoose a method to store the passwords with. If you choose encrypted form, it is necessary that you also provide an encryption key (see below).BCrypt HashPlain text (no security), encrypted form (medium security) or BCrypt hash (maximum security).
Encryption KeyFor passwords stored in encrypted form, this key is used to encrypt the passwords when stored in the repository. If you store the passwords as hash or plain text, no key is needed.
Note: the key should not be changed once passwords have been stored using the old key. If the key is changed, older passwords cannot be decrypted anymore.
Any string. The longer the better.

Last modified on 10/16/20

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