Scripting with Groovy 3.0
Sophora 5 uses Groovy 3.0 as scripting engine. As there are some major changes, e.g. to the Groovy parser, we advise to check your scripts on a non-production system before upgrading your production system. Note that scripts are used by several Sophora components (e.g., Server, DeskClient, Importer, and customer-specific tools). See the Release Notes for Groovy 3 for further details on potential incompatibilities and workarounds. We recommend the Upgrading Guide by Collibra.
Sophora 4 initially used Groovy 2.5, but recent versions also use Groovy 3.0. We highly recommend that, before upgrading to Sophora 5, you first update to recent Sophora 4 Server, DeskClient and Importer versions and thorougly check the scripting with that versions.
XPath is now deprecated
The underlying storage technology of Sophora, Jackrabbit/JCR, will be replaced in Sophora 6. Therefore, the XPath query language will no longer be available in Sophora 6. Prior to that release, we will provide alternatives to XPath-based features, and there will be detailed guides how to migrate to those alternatives. We strongly advise not to use XPath any more where alternatives already exists. For instance, when searching for documents, use IQuery
s or Solr instead.
No client tool should use deprecated methods referring to XPath before starting the update.
General Update Order
This update should be performed like other major Sophora updates. This implies this order:
First all Staging Servers and all Replica Servers must be updated. There are no dependencies between Replicas and Staging Servers. Thus, those can be updated in any order.
Then the Sophora Primary has to be updated. You can also switch the primary and then immediatly afterwards stop und update the former primary. Just ensure that the primary never runs in a more recent version then your Replica.
When all Sophora Servers are update you can start updating all applications based on the Sophora Client like the Sophora DeskClient or Importers.
Minimum Sophora Version prior to Upgrade
For compatibility reasons all of your Sophora Servers must be running with at least version 4.26.0 prior to the upgrade to 5.
Major Changes in Version 5
Sophora Server version 5 comes with the following changes:
- SolrCloud and the Sophora Indexing Service replace the internal Solr engine and indexing.
- Introduction of the Version Store
- The module ACS has been removed.
- The plugin Linkchecker has been moved to a separate module.
- The Content API has been moved to a separate module. Until Sophora Server version 6 it is still available as a Sophora Server-internal variant.
- Since version 5.3.0, Sophora Server uses Spring 6 and Groovy 4.
Removal of the embedded Solr
Until server version 4, the Sophora Server came with an integrated Solr engine. This has been removed completely in Sophora 5. The Sophora Server itself does not require Solr. Queries from Sophora Clients are mapped to Solr however and require the external SolrCloud. Support for SolrCloud was introduced in Sophora 4 alongside the Sophora Indexing Service. You must have migrated to SolrCloud and the Sophora Indexing Service prior to the upgrade. See indexing service migration guide for more details.
Introduction of the Version Store
Sophora Server 5 does no longer contain the Archive Repository. It was used to store access versions of documents. All those versions plus the versions from the main repository are now placed in the new Version Store which is based on PostgreSQL. To see what the Version Store does, refer to the Version Store Guide.
The Sophora Server does not automatically migrate all the versions. For migrating all your document versions into the new Version Store, refer to its migration guide.
Spring 6, Groovy 4 and Jetty 12 (since 5.3.0)
Starting with version 5.3.0, Sophora Server uses the Spring framework in version 6.1. (Prior versions use Spring framework 5.3.) This update brings a few notable changes:
- Derby uses the updated driver
instead of the previously used driverorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
. Refer to the breaking changes table for more details. - The Groovy scripting engine is updated from version 3.0 to version 4.0. We strongly advice to have a look at the release notes for Groovy 4 and check your scripts.
- We updated Jetty 10 to Jetty 12.
Deprecation of JCR XPath
JCR XPath queries have been deprecated in Sophora 5 and will be removed in Sophora 6. Use IQuery
-based queries instead.
Sophora 5 instroduces SoQL ("Sophora Query Language") as a replacement for XPath where text-based query definitions are required. Starting with Sophora Server 5.2.0, SoQL can be used to define Query Select Values. An updater (SoQLInsteadOfXpathForQuerySelectValuesUpdater
) will migrate typical XPath-based Query Select Values to SoQL automatically upon the first startup of a Sophora Server >= 5.2.0. However, more complex XPath queries cannot be migrated automatically. You will see warnings in your log on every Sophora Server startup that remind you to migrate those manually.
List of breaking changes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Before the update, preferrably months before | The Server does no longer come with an internal Solr. You must have migrated to Solr Cloud and the Sophora Indexing Service prior to the upgrade. See indexing service migration guide for more details. |
5.0.0 | Before the update, preferrably months before | Support for LevelDB as Jackrabbit repository has been discontinued. LevelDB used to be an alternative repository technology for Staging Servers but it cannot be used Sophora 5 any more. Sophora 4 repositories stored in a LevelDB cannot be started using a Sophora 5 Server. If you were using LevelDB with any of your Sophora Servers then you have to migrate those before the update. In this case we recommend to setup an empty staging server and synchronize it from scratch. On larger repositories this might take a few days. But afterwards this newly synchronized server can be used as copy-paste prototype for all the other Sophora Staging Server. |
5.0.0 | Before the update, preferrably months before | The SolrCloud connection now requires a Zookeeper url. A direct connection to one of the SolrCloud nodes using has been discontinued. For more information about the connection configuration see the Sophora Server installation guide. |
5.3.0 | Before the update | Make sure your script run with both Groovy 3 and Groovy 4. |
5.0.0 | Before the update | Support for database binary store has been discontinued. A separate binary store is mandatory in Sophora Server 5. The option to use the database binary store no longer is available. So you either have to use the default file system binary store or the cloud binary store. If you have been using the database binary store or no binary store whatsoever before then you have to migrate your binary data into one of the other options. The easiest way to do this is through a full sync into a newly set up server configured to use a file system binary store (which is the default). The update to 5 requires a full-sync anyway to migrate document versions to the new version store, so you can do this in one go. |
5.0.0 | Before the update | Versions have to be migrated into the new VersionStore, see the migration guide for more details. These configuration options are no longer needed after the update:
5.0.0 | Before the update | Support for legacy categories has been discontinued. Use enhanced categories (modelled as select values) instead prior to updating to Sophora 5. |
5.0.0 | Before the update | The Content Manager method getConfigurationDocumentProperties no longer includes values from the Sophora Server's internal configuration file ( especially covers the properties:
4.20.3 | Before the update | The following configuration options are no longer needed since 4.20.3 and 5.0.0 and can be removed from the Sophora Server's
4.15.2 | Before the update | Server side event scripts had access to the IScriptDocumentManager via the method getDocumentManager() . The IScriptDocumentManager provides access to the saveDocument method which underwent some changes:
5.0.0 | Before the update | Unlike in version 4, the IScriptingDocumentManager , which is used in document change scripts (IScriptDocumentChangeListener ), now respects document permissions. Therefore, before the update, it must be ensured that all users have the necessary permissions for the documents accessed in these scripts. |
5.0.0 | Before the update to 5.0.0, after using at least 4.21.0 | The script now has to be used to start a Sophora Server; it replaces the old start script . The new script is already available since 4.21.0. See Using the Sophora Server for further information on how to use the new start script. This does not apply to you, if you use our Docker image or Helm chart. |
5.0.0 | Before or during the update | Additional configurations for the Server plugin content-api have to be part of the Servers Older versions of the Sophora Server allowed adding configurations for this Server plugin via the file. This is no longer possible. From version 5.0.0 onwards, these properties have to be part of the regular file. If you have been using the specific configuration files, you can just copy their content into the regular file before the update and then remove the afterwards. Alternatively you can do all this in one go before launching the Sophora Server in version 5.0.0 (or greater) for the first time. |
5.3.0 | During the Update | This change only applies if you use Derby as your database: The Derby driver changed to org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver , previously org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver . Change the driver of all persistence managers in the following files:
5.0.0 | After the update | The IDs of document versions have changed. They are now generated with a determistic pattern to be equal on all cluster servers. This is unlikely to be relevant. However, as the version IDs have been different between different servers prior to version 5.0.0 and therefore were unreliable. |
5.0.0 | After the update | The format for describing document thumbnails has changed. Every nodetype configuration comes with the property "Thumbnail" on the "attributes" tab. This used to contain some pseudo XPath-Pattern which is no longer supported. Instead, it now uses an item path syntax: The new syntax supports accessing child nodes (with or without an index) and properties. The nodes and properties are separated by forward slashes, similar to URL paths. The item path follows this structure: [<child-node>/.../]<property> with zero or more child nodes at the begining and ending in a property. No prefix is required. Here are a few examples of the new item path syntax for thumbnails:
order by jcr:score at the end should be removed. Invalid item paths will cause empty thumbnails.The thumbnail path is resolved recursively. A chain like "Document A -> Document B -> Image Document" is possible. The last element in the chain should always point to an actual image document. Most real world examples of Thumbnail configurations are valid in the former XPath syntax and the new item path syntax and therefore don't have to be adjusted, but you should check this for every node type with thumbnails. |
5.0.0 | After the update | Starting with Sophora 5, the Server IDs are generated using a combination of a Server's hostname, http and https port, making it more robust against failure. The previously used file, which persisted the randomly generated Server ID, is automatically deleted during the first start of Sophora 5. This means that the IDs of every server will change during the update to Sophora 5. This should not have critical consequences, but will likely result in new time series data in the Sophora Dashboard. All this happens automatically. |
Minimum Client Version prior to Upgrade
All client applications should use the Sophora Client in at least version 4.23.3 before starting the update to 5.
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.2.0 | After the update to Sophora Client 5.2.0 | In com.subshell.sophora.api.structure.StructureNode the methods getDefaultDocumentUUID() , getHierarchyDocumentUUID() and getStructureNodeDocumentUUID() are changed so that they will return null instead of throwing a RuntimeException. That happens if the Reference of the concerning document or structureNode is null or an external Reference is set. |
5.0.0 | After the update to Sophora Client 5.0.0. | The class com.subshell.sophora.commons.locking.StringKeyLockManager has been removed. Please use com.subshell.sophora.commons.locking.ReentrantLockProvider instead. |
5.0.0 | After the update to Sophora Client 5.0.0. | Improbable breaking change: The (previously deprecated) methods getNodeTypeConfigurationHashEntries() , getDefaultPropertyConfigurationHashEntries() , getDefaultChildNodeConfigurationHashEntries() , and getFormFieldGroupHashEntries() have been removed from com.subshell.sophora.client.impl.SophoraClient . Those methods are typically not used by regular tools. |
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.7.3 | After the update to Sophora Client 5.7.3. | The copy constructor of SearchParameters is now deprecated. Use SearchParameters#copy instead. |
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After the update to Sophora Client 5.0.0 | As of version 5.0.0 the archive repository is no longer part of Sophora. Accordingly, it is not possible to query completely deleted documents, since they don't exist anymore. The property as well as the respective setter and getter methods are deprecated. Calls to these methods can be removed safely. |
5.14.0 | After the upadte to Sophora Client 5.13.0 | Introduces three client cache warmup strategies to optimize application startup times: NONE , NON_BLOCKING and WAIT . |
Automatic Update via Update Site
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Before updating to Sophora 5.0.0 | An automatic update of the DeskClient via update site from version < 5.0.0 to version >= 5.0.0 is not supported. The DeskClient 5 must be rolled out separately (e.g. next to existing installations). |
Java / Groovy Version
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.5.0 | Before updating to Sophora 5.5.0 | Java 21 is required now. The DeskClient contains the JRE, so there is nothing to do here apart from adapting your own plugins accordingly. |
5.5.0 | Before updating to Sophora 5.5.0 | Scripts must be compatible with Groovy 4 |
Document Type Configuration
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Before updating to Sophora 5.0.0 | The "Categories" feature ("Schlagworte") has been removed from Sophora. Make sure to replace the input fields of type "Category (multi)" in your property configurations by using the "Tags", "Enhanced Categories" or "Taxonomies" feature. |
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Before updating to Sophora 5.0.0 | Nodetype icons and icons in selectvalue documents or script documents with the legacy size of 16x16 pixels may not be displayed correctly, e.g. without transparency. These icons must be replaced by 24x24 pixel icons (required since Sophora 2.3.0). |
Custom Form Fields/Plugins
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Plugins providing or accessing form fields must be adapted prior to using them in a DeskClient >= 5.0.0. | Since DeskClient versions 2.5.58, 3.1.0 and 4.0.0 the method AbstractFormField.labelLinkActivated() is deprecated. Replace all calls with ((IFormField2) formField).getLabelLinkAction().isPresent() .When providing form fields via the extension point "com.subshell.sophora.eclipse.formInputFields" the attribute labelAsLink must be removed from the tag formInputField . |
5.0.0 | Plugins providing or accessing form fields must be adapted prior to using them in a DeskClient >= 5.0.0. | The code structure of the document editor has changed. It was converted to an e4 part. The "globalActionBars" were replaced by handlers for (global) commands. The constants IEditorPart.PROP_INPUT or IWorkbenchConstants.PROP_INPUT should be replaced with DocumentEditorPart.PROP_DOCUMENT . The method IPropertyFieldConfiguration.getEditorOpener() is now available as IFormFieldSite.getEditorOpener() .Some icons were moved to the new project 'com.subshell.sophora.eclipse.icons'. These icons must now be accessed by IconsPlugin.getIcon() instead of SophoraPlugin.getDefault().getIcon() .If you have other problems let us know so we can help you. |
5.0.0 | Plugins providing EditorComponent must be adapted prior to using them in a DeskClient >= 5.0.0. | Change access of getSite().getWorkbenchPart() to getSite().getEditor() for accessing methods of the document editor.When using an IEditorComponentTabProvider change the parameter of method createEditorPart() to DocumentEditorPart . |
Open document by URL in clipboard
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | any time | The configuration key "openDocumentFromUrl.usePreviews " no longer has any effect. This option to get the UUID of a document by querying the IdForUrlServlet of the previews directly by iterating over the preview URLs of the published preview documents has been removed.The function to open a document via its URL now uses always the client/server method to get the UUID of a document via its URL. |
Native support of Apple ARM architecture (aarch64)
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After updating to Sophora 5.0.0 | The DeskClient is now also released for the Apple ARM architecture. The corresponding download file is named according to the following scheme: sophora-deskclient-<version>-<product>-macosx.cocoa.aarch64.dmg Note that the sophora-deskclient-<version>-<product>-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.dmg builds will also work on Apple ARM in compatibility mode. |
Predefined version parameters
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.4.0 | Before or after updating to Sophora DeskClient 5.4.0 | In certain cases, the DeskClient automatically applies new version parameters when publishing documents:
In order for the corresponding name (instead of the technical value) to appear in the version history of the documents, the value/name pairs must be entered in the Versionsparameters select value document |
Sophora Importer Update Notes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | The possibility to import "categories" has been removed from Importer 5 | |
5.4.0 | The Sophora Importer now uses Spring 6.1.6 and Spring Boot 3.2.5. Adjust your custom preprocessors, if they make use of Spring or Spring Boot or their dependency management. See the Spring 6 migration guide and the Spring Boot 3 migration guide for details. | |
5.4.0 | The Sophora Importer now uses Groovy 4.0. Adjust your custom preprocessors, if they are written in Groovy. See the Groovy 4.0 release notes for details. | |
5.4.0 | The Sophora Importer now requires version 1.2.0 of the helm chart sophora-import-job. | |
5.8.0 | The precondition of the lifecycleActivity "publish" changed: You can now trigger this activity for pre-published documents. Previously, publishing pre-published documents was only possibly by the lifecycleActivity "finishPrePublishing". The document's life cycle is described on the Instructions documentation page. | |
5.8.0 | The behaviour of the lifecycleActivity "finishPrePublishing" changed: You can now use this activity to publish documents that require pre-publication, even if their state is not already 'prePublised'. The Sophora Import sends an additional "publish" event to put documents in the pre-published state. Afterwards the "finishPrePublishing" is carried out as usual.The document's life cycle is described on the Instructions documentation page. |
Configuration Changes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | This must be done before the Importer is started for the first time in version 5. | Since Importer 5 the configuration property sophora.client.server-connection.url is removed and replaced by sophora.client.server-connection.urls , where multiple connection urls may be used. |
5.4.0 | This must be done before the Importer is started for the first time in version 5.4.0. | The syntax of the logback-spring.xml file changed. To filter log messages marked as 'SPECIAL_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', adjust your logback configuration according to the example provided on the Installation & Configuration page. |
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After the update to Importer 4.4.0 and before updating to 6.0.0 | Since importer version 4.4.0 there are two new modules to build and represent Sophora-XML. One of them is the model, which now contains some classes that resided in the Importer core before. To use the new artifact use the artifactId com.subshell.sophora.importer.model in the groupId com.subshell.sophora These Classes will be removed in 5.3.0!
API Changes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.creators.CategoryCreator andcom.subshell.sophora.importer.core.creators.CategoryPath are removed from Importer 5 | |
5.0.0 | The Method IErrorTracker#writeToFile(File file) is removed from Importer 5 | |
5.3.0 | Code that has been marked for removal in Sophora 5.3.0 has now been removed:
Sophora URL Library: Update Notes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After the update to 5.0.0 | The configuration option sophora.url.domain-name was renamed to sophora.url.default-domain .The configuration option sophora.url.prefer-site-domain was removed.The precedence for generating an absolute URL for a document is now as follows:
5.0.0 | After the update to 5.0.0 | The configuration options for image URL generation have changed, there is a new property imageUrl in structure node documents and a new property sophora.image-service.url.structure-path-to-domain in the configuration properties. The existing property sophora.image-service.url.domain-name was renamed to sophora.image-service.url.default-domain .The precedence for generating an URL for image documents is now as follows:
Sophora Scripting Update Notes
The dependencies commons-lang:commons-lang
and commons-collections:commons-collections
have been removed from the Sophora Core. They are superseded by org.apache.commons:commons-lang3
and org.apache.commons:commons-collections4
, which already have been part of the Sophora core libraries for a long time.
This affects all types of scripts, as those libraries cannot be used any more in scripts. Before update to Sophora 5, make sure that none of your scripts reference those old libraries. Also note that the default preamble for scripts was changed to reflect the new package names.
Migration to the new libraries is mostly straightforward, as in most cases the classes and methods kept their names within the new packages org.apache.commons.lang3
and org.apache.commons.collections4
. For details on the migration see the release notes for Apache Commons Lang and Apache Commons Collections.
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | This must be done before the indexing service is started for the first time in version 5. | The configuration property sophora.client.server-connection.url is replaced by sophora.client.server-connection.urls . Multiple connection urls may be used. |
5.0.0 | This must be done before the indexing service is started for the first time in version 5. | The json codec configured under spring.redis.redisson.config has changed. Use the following configuration: codec: !<com.subshell.sophora.indexingservice.core.codec.SISIJsonJacksonCodec> {} |
Solr Index Mapping
- A new boolean solr field
is added to all working collections that indicates if the document is enabled within the structure.
TableStar Controller
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | This must be done before the TableStar Controller is started for the first time in version 5.0.0. |
Sophora Teletext: Update Notes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After the update to Teletext 5.0.0 | The util class for Teletext scripts com.subshell.sophora.teletext.script.common.IndexReferenceAnalyzer changed:
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | After the update to Teletext 5.0.0 | The index document type sophora-teletext-nt:index must have a new mixin sophora-teletext-mix:index .Please import the mixin sophora-teletext-mix:index from the maven artifact com.subshell.sophora.teletext:teletext-repository-base-config to your Sophora repository and activate it in the index document type sophora-teletext-nt:index . Since Teletext 5 new updates (e.g. scripts) will identify index documents based on the mixin. |
UGC Service
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | This must be done before UGC is started for the first time in version 5. | Several deprecated API endpoints that used the externalId or the username as parameters have been removed.The new API endpoints require the sophoraId instead of the externalId and are marked by a trailing /bySophoraId . These endpoints have been existing prior to Sophora 5 so that adjustments can be done before the update. Instead of username , it is now required to use the externalUserId .Please note: If the ugc submitter and the ugc taglib are used, it is absolutely necessary to use these modules in version 5 due to this adjustment. |
5.0.0 | There are slight changes in the URL paths of the UGC Webapp due to an update of libraries used by the UGC Webapp frontend. The fragment separator #! is not needed anymore. Therefore paths like https://<hostname>:<port>/#!/comments change to https://<hostname>:<port>/comments . | |
5.0.0 | You need to change the URL field in the UGC related tab documents. Otherwise some tabs of UGC specific documents won't be displayed correctly. In the URL field, replace every occurence of ${sophora:externalId} with ${sophora:id} . Additionally, you need to remove the #! from the URL. For example: localhost:9080/#!/comments/${sophora:externalId}?nav=false should be changed to localhost:9080/comments/${sophora:id}?nav=false If you don't want to change every tab document manually, you can reimport the tab documents that are included in the ugc-5.*.* as part of the release and are located in the folder 06_tabdocuments. | |
5.0.0 | The prior deprecated configuration property group double-opt-in.transport has been removed. Please use email.transport instead. Consult the UGC Webapp documentation page for details on the configuration. | |
5.2.0 | UGC now uses Spring 6.1.6 and Spring Boot 3.2.5. See the Spring 6 migration guide and the Spring Boot 3 migration guide for details. |
Removed API endpoints | New API endpoints |
/comments/{externalId}/simple | /comments/{sophoraId}/simple/bySophoraId |
/comments/{externalId}/pinned | /comments/{sophoraId}/pinned/bySophoraId |
/comments/{externalId}/all | /comments/{sophoraId}/all/bySophoraId |
/commentTemplates/delete/{externalId} | /commentTemplates/deleteBySophoraId/{sophoraId} |
/quizzes/{externalId}/updatecalculation | /quizzes/{sophoraId}/updatecalculation/bySophoraId |
/votings/{externalId}/votingitems | /votings/{sophoraId}/votingitems/bySophoraId |
/votings/{externalId}/report | /votings/{sophoraId}/report/bySophoraId |
/votings/{externalId}/report/xls | /votings/{sophoraId}/report/bySophoraId/xls |
/votings/{externalId}/resetreport | /votings/{sophoraId}/resetreport/bySophoraId |
/legacyratings/{externalId} | /legacyratings/bySophoraId/{sophoraId} |
/ratings/findDocument/{id} | /ratings/findDocument/bySophoraId/{sophoraId} |
for /imageUploads and /comments : | |
/byUsername/{username} | /byExternalUserId/{externalUserId} |
/{externalId}/reclassify | /{sophoraId}/reclassify/bySophoraId |
/approveByFilter | /approveByFilter/bySophoraId |
/denyByFilter | /denyByFilter/bySophoraId |
/deleteByFilter | /deleteByFilter/bySophoraId |
/deletePermanentlyByUsers/{username} | /deletePermanentlyByUserId |
/deletePermanentlyByUsers | /deletePermanentlyByUserIds |
/checkCategory/{externalId} | /checkCategory/bySophoraId{sophoraId} |
for /quizzes and /votings : | |
/{externalId} | /bySophoraId/{sophoraId} |
/{externalId}/participants | /{sophoraId}/participants/bySophoraId |
/{externalId}/participants/paged | /{sophoraId}/participants/bySophoraId/paged |
/{externalId}/participants/isAvailable | /{sophoraId}/participants/bySophoraId/isAvailable |
/{externalId}/participants/xls | /{sophoraId}/participants/bySophoraId/xls |
/{externalId}/columnheaders | /{sophoraId}/columnheaders/bySophoraId |
/{externalId}/random/{number} | /{sophoraId}/random/bySophoraId/{number} |
/{externalId}/reset | /{sophoraId}/reset/bySophoraId |
for /comments , /imageUploads and /ratings : | |
/{externalId}/random/{number} | /{sophoraId}/random/bySophoraId/{number} |
UGC Multimedia Service
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.1.0 | This must be done before UGC is started for the first time in version 5.1.0. | The MySQL dialect in the application.yml needs to be changed to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect |
Configuration Changes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | This must be done before the AV-Tool/YouTube-Connector is started for the first time in version 5. | The configuration property akamaiUrlPrefixes has been deprecated with version 4.1.0 of the AV-Tool/YouTube-Connector. It has been removed with version 5.0.0. Please use akamaiUrlPatterns instead. |
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.0.0 | Before updating to Sophora Delivery 5.0.0. | The following classes have been completely removed:
The following methods have been completely removed:
Usage with Spring Boot 3 and Spring 6
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.2.0 | Before updating to Sophora Delivery 5.2.0. | Since this version, the Sophora Delivery is compatible to Spring Boot 3 and Spring 6. You may encounter several issues with your custom web app implementation. Here are some advices regarding usages of the Sophora Delivery:
Spring Data Sophora: Update Notes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.2.0 | After the update to Spring Data Sophora 5.2.0. | If a reference cannot be resolved due to a SophoraException , the call Reference#isPresent returns false instead of throwing the exception. |
Sophora Repo Exporter: Update Notes
Version | Timing | Changes |
5.1.0 | After updating to version 5.1.0 | The tag filter now finds all documents that contain any of the configured tags as substring within all tags. |
Sophora Linkchecker Update Notes
The Linkchecker is now a module separate from the Sophora Server. See the Linkchecker documentation for more details.
Sophora Content API Update Notes
The Content API is now avalaible as a module separate from the Sophora Server. See the Content API documentation for more details.