SoQL 5

What is SoQL?

A quick introduction to the Sophora Query Language.

SoQL (pronounced [so ˈkuːl] / "so cool", abbreviation for Sophora Query Language) is a standardized format for writing queries for Sophora Documents as strings. Unlike previously established methods that required querying documents through the underlying database or search engine query languages, SoQL introduces a technology-independent querying functionality tailored specifically for Sophora. It makes it possible to find documents from expressions like this:

sophora-content:title='My Story' AND state='inProcess' order by modificationDate desc

Introduced in Sophora 5, SoQL enables users to efficiently and readably retrieve and filter documents based on various criteria, such as all document properties. It simplifies the process of writing and storing queries for content within Sophora, providing users and developers with a powerful and intuitive tool for querying documents within the system.

SoQL parses the query into Sophora's well-known IQuery Java objects. As of now there is no API in the Sophora Server which accepts SoQL queries. All SoQL queries need to be converted to IQueries on the client side. We might add other ways to perform SoQL queries in the future.

Last modified on 2/2/24

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