MobileClient 4


Learn how to work with components.

What Are Components?

Components are the building blocks of your documents. Examples: Images are components of an image gallery. Teasers are components of a homepage. Each component references a document. You can adapt a component to the context by overriding some of its original content, for example the alternative text of an image. Components are added to a document via component groups. A list of teasers and a playlist of videos are component groups, for example. Component groups can have settings of their own.

To manage components, open a document and switch to the tab Components.

Managing Components

Adding One Component to A Group

To add a component via search:

  1. On the component group, click the Plus symbol. A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. On the tab Search, search for a document. You will only see documents appropriate for the component group. To apply filters, click the arrow in the search field.
  3. Select a document. The search panel closes.

To add a component from proposal sections:

  1. On the component group, click the Plus symbol. A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. On the tab Proposals, browse to find a document. You will only see proposed documents appropriate for the component group.
  3. Select a document. The search panel closes.

Adding Multiple Components To A Group

To add multiple components via search:

  1. On the component group, click the Plus symbol. A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. To activate multiselecting, activate Multiple selection.
  3. On the tab Search, search for documents. You will only see documents appropriate for the component group. To apply filters, click the arrow in the search field.
  4. Select multiple documents.
  5. To approve, click Select.

To add multiple components from proposal sections:

  1. On the component group, click the Plus symbol. A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. To activate multiselecting, activate Multiple selection.
  3. On the tab Proposals, browse to find a document. You will only see proposed documents appropriate for the component group.
  4. Select multiple proposed documents.
  5. To approve, click Select.

Adding A Component To A New Group

To add a component via search and create a component group:

  1. Click Add Component.  A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. On the tab Search, search for documents. You will only see documents appropriate for the component group. To apply filters, click the arrow in the search field.
  3. Select a document.
  4. In the next panel, choose one of the component groups listed in Add to new group.
  5. To approve, click Select.

To add a component from a proposal section and create a component group:

  1. Click Add Component.  A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. On the tab Proposals, browse to find a document. You will only see proposed documents appropriate for the component group.
  3. Select a proposed document.
  4. In the next panel, choose one of the component groups listed in Add to new group.
  5. To approve, click Select.

Uploading Image Components

If your component is an image, you have the option to upload an image.

To upload one or more images:

  1. On the component group, click the Plus symbol. A tabbed search panel opens.
  2. Click the tab Upload new images.
  3. Choose one or more images. The dialog Upload image opens.
  4. Enter image meta data.
  5. Click Save. You can also click Publish to publish immediately.
  6. Sophora creates all necessary image documents and references in the background.

Changing The Order Of Components In A Component Group

To reorder the components in a component group:

  1. Select and drag the component up or down.
  2. Drop the component in the right position.

Moving a Component To Another Component Group

To move a component to another component group:

  1. Select and drag the component.
  2. Drop the component in the different component group. Some component groups will not be available as targets, because of their configuration. 

Removing A Component

To remove a component:

  1. On the component, click the menu (vertical dots).
  2. In the menu, select Remove component.

Opening The Document Referenced By The Component

To open the document referenced by the component:

  1. On the component, click the menu (vertical dots).
  2. In the menu, select Open in new browser tab.

Overriding Component Details

To override a component’s details:

  1. On the component, click the menu (vertical dots).
  2. In the menu, select Edit. A dialog opens.
  3. Change details. Note: Your changes will not alter the original content. You can always reset the original content with the restore symbol on the right, next to each edited field.
  4. Optional: To edit another component, use the arrows in the upper section of the dialog. All changes will be preserved until the dialog is closed.
  5. To save, click Done.

Managing Component Groups

Adding A Component Group

New component groups can only be added implicitly via Add Component (see above).

Editing A Component Group’s Details

To edit the details of a component group:

  1. On the component group, click the menu (vertical dots).
  2. In the menu, select Edit. A dialog opens.
  3. Edit the component group’s details.
  4. To save you changes, click Done.

Reordering Component Groups

To reorder component groups:

  1. Select and drag the component group up or down.
  2. Drop the component group in the right position.

Removing A Component Group

To remove a component group and all components:

  1. On the component group, click the menu (vertical dots).
  2. In the menu, select Remove group.

Last modified on 7/23/19

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
