is no longer allowed. The proposal sections format shown here can only be created with Sophora XML versions up to 3.8. Use the select value document "Proposal Sections" instead.It is also possible to import an entire structure of proposal sections. To import proposal sections, the root element of an import XML file has to be <sophora>
. This element must contain a child element <proposalSections>
which encapsulates the <proposalSection>
elements. Each <proposalSection>
element represents one proposal section to import. During the import process each proposal section is identified by its full path name. So if a proposal section with a given name and path already exists this proposal section won't be imported.
The following example demonstrates the buildup of proposal sections import XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sophora xmlns="http://www.sophoracms.com/import/2.8"