Properties represent the primary characteristics of a document given in individual <property>
elements. Which properties are available for which kind of documents is defined in the node type configuration within Sophora (see here for configuration details).
The subsequent example is the node type configuration of an image object:
['sophora-content-nt:imageobject'] > 'sophora-extension-nt:image'
- 'sophora-content:tags' (string)
- 'sophora-content:title' (string)
- 'sophora-content:chargeable' (boolean)
- 'sophora-content:credit' (string)
- 'sophora-content:source' (string)
- 'sophora-content:url' (string)
- 'sophora-content:displayStyle' (string)
The import XML of an according document may look like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document nodeType="sophora-content-nt:imageobject"
<property name="sophora-content:title">
<value>Die Menschen in Peking strömen in den Olympiapark.</value>
<property name="sophora-extension:alttext">
<value>Menschenmenge in Peking</value>
<property name="sophora-content:chargeable">
<childNode nodeType="sophora-extension-nt:imagedata" name="sophora-extension:imagedata">
The property
(amongst others) has not been defined in the examplary node type configuration above. Nonetheless this property may be used here because this document type extends the sophora-extension-nt:image
node type and thereby inherits its properties.This is the configuration of the super node type sophora-extension-nt:image:
- 'sophora-extension:caption' (string)
- 'sophora-extension:alttext' (string)
- 'sophora-extension:iptc' (string)
+ 'sophora-extension:imagedata' ('sophora-extension-nt:imagedata') multiple
XHTML Tags in Property Values
Certain properties within Sophora may contain XHTML tags for special text formatting (e.g. copytext or teaser). Permitted elements are: <ul>
, <li>
, <strong>
, <em>
and <br/>
. Therefore, <value>
elements may incorporate such HTML tags. For example:
<property name="sophora-content:shorttext">
<value>Die Menschen in Peking <strong>strömen</strong> in den Olympiapark.<br />In großen Mengen!</value>
Date Values
By default, dates are specified in the ISO 8601 format:
<property name="sophora-content:date">
If the Importer cannot read a date string accordingly (cannot apply the ISO 8601 date pattern), it tries to read the date in a "pseudo" ISO 8601 format, in which a space is used instead of the character 'T'. If this is not succesful neither, the importer tries to parse the date string using the format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm" whereas the "HH:mm" indication is optional. This allows to provide dates in the following way as well:
<property name="sophora-content:date">
<value>05.08.2008 09:00</value>
Binary Properties
Binary properties must be provided with the additional property mimetype
, which advices the importer to import the referenced binary file with the given mime type.
The following example shows a typical image import. In the imagadata childnode you can see the binary property sophora-extension:binarydata
with its attribute mimetype
(set to "image/jpeg"):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document nodeType="sophora-content:image" xmlns="">
<childNode nodeType="sophora-extension-nt:imagedata" name="sophora-extension:imagedata">
<property name="sophora-extension:imagetype">
<!-- The binary property with its attribute "mimetype" relates to a binary file in the filesystem. -->
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/jpeg">
<childNodes />
<resourceList />
<resourceList />
The referenced image file image_4711_binary_1.jpeg has to lie in the same directory as the import XML file. Alternatively, you can specify a relative path like 'images/import/image_4711_binary_1.jpeg'. Due to security reasons a relative path cannot reference a file in a higher folder hierarchy.
Additionally you may opt to reference binary data via URLs:
<!-- HTTP URL -->
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/jpeg">
<!-- HTTPS URL -->
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/jpeg">
<!-- File URL -->
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/jpeg">
<!-- inline data -->
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/gif">
If you use a file url - for example 'file:C:/temp/image_4711_binary_1.jpeg' (on a windows operating system) - you can only point to binary files which are located on the same directory as the import XML file (or recursively in subfolders of this directory) or which are located in an additional accessible folder specified by the instance configuration option folders.fileAccessBase
Inline binary data uses the "data" URI scheme. Please note that contrary to the specification of the scheme, only the following form is supported by the importer:
data:;base64,...your data here...
Automatic Downscaling of Oversized Images on Import
In order to have oversized images scaled down automatically on import, the attribute autoScale="true"
needs to be set in the binary property of the image. Under these condition any image that excesses the dimensions configured in the original image variant will be scaled down. The proportions of the image are maintained.
<property name="sophora-extension:binarydata" mimetype="image/jpeg" autoScale="true">
Additional Information at Reference Property Values
If you export Sophora XML via the Sophora Deskclient or programatically via the Sophora Client you may notice the following attributes when exporting documents with references to other documents:
<property name="sophora:reference">
<value site="demosite" structureNode="/multimedia/images" sophoraId="image142" uuid="dd74be59-c921-4d88-aa2c-7094b6dd1384">image_4711</value>
The optional attributes "site", "structureNode", "sophoraId" and "uuid" contain meta information about the referenced document. These meta data are exported if a sophora version greater than or equal version 2.1 is selected at the export. The attributes are only set at reference properties.
The attributes site and structureNode are only used to reference structure node documents. In this case the importer uses at first the structure node which is specified via the site and the structureNode attribute. Only if this structure does not exist the specified external id is taken for the reference. The attributes sophoraId and uuid has no impact at the import at all. Please note that the text node of the element value contains the external id of the referenced document.
Multi Values
Multi values can be provided easily by adding multiple <value>
elements to the <property>
<value>Value 1</value>
<value>Value 2</value>
<value>Value 3</value>
Removing Properties
When updating an existing document via the Importer, you can remove properties from this document. To do so set the attribute "remove" of a property to true
. If the file import creates a new document in the repository, such a property would simply be ignored.
The example below displays the removal of property sophora-content:name
under the assumption that the underlying document already exists:
<property name="sophora-content:name" remove="true" />
In such a case, the value of the property will be ignored.
Protecting and unprotecting Properties
It is possible to protect and unprotect properties via the optional attribute protectionInstruction
(refer also to the user and the administration manual). The possible values for protectionInstruction
Value | Description |
none | If the corresponding property in the repository is protected, its value will not be changed to the value in the XML. Skipping the attribute protectionInstruction has the same meaning as using the value none! |
unprotect | If the corresponding property in the repository is protected, the protection will be removed and then the value from the XML will be set. After setting the value, the protection will not be re-established. |
protect | If the corresponding property in the repository is not protected (or if the document is newly created), the value from the XML will be set and after setting the value, the property will be protected. If the corresponding property in the repository is protected, the value from the XML will be ignored! |
forceProtect | If the corresponding property in the repository is protected, the protection will be forced to be removed and then the value from the XML will be set. After setting the value, the property will be protected regardless of whether the property was protected before or not. |
reprotect | If the corresponding property in the repository is protected, the protection will be removed and then the value from the XML will be set. After setting the value, the property will only be protected if the property was protected before. (Therefore the property will never be protected if the document is newly created.) |
It is possible to use the attribute protectionInstruction
without providing a value to the property. In this way you can modify the protection of a property without changing its value.
The follwing XML snippet shows different protection use cases:
<!-- Unprotect property (if it is protected) and setting value to "Hallo Welt!". -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline1" protectionInstruction="unprotect">
<value>Hallo Welt!</value>
<!-- Setting value to "Hallo Welt!" and afterwards protecting the property. (If the property is
protected in the repository, its value will not be changed!) -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline2" protectionInstruction="protect">
<value>Hallo Welt!</value>
<!-- Unprotect property (if it is protected), setting value to "Hallo Welt!" and
afterwards protecting the property. -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline3" protectionInstruction="forceprotect">
<value>Hallo Welt!</value>
<!-- Unprotect property (if it is protected), setting value to "Hallo Welt!" and
afterwards protecting the property only if it was protected before. -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline3" protectionInstruction="reprotect">
<value>Hallo Welt!</value>
<!-- Protect property if it is not already protected. The value of the property will not be modified. -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline4" protectionInstruction="protect" />
<!-- Remove property value and then protect property. (The property will only be removed, if it
is not already protected!) -->
<property name="sophora-content:headline5" protectionInstruction="protect" remove="true" />
mixin sophora-mix:protectable
.The protection of properties is only possible on document level - box properties or other childnode properties cannot be protected or unprotected! (If you use the attribute
in these cases, it will be ignored.)Properties which are affected by elements in the
element cannot be protected or unprotected by imports.Sorted insertion of structure nodes
It is possible to insert a new or existing structure node into its parent in a specific order. This is achieved via the optional attribute insertPosition
. It has to be annotated on the property sophora:parentStructureNode
, which contains the information about the parent structure node. The possible values for the insertPosition
Value | Description |
alphabeticalAsc | The structure node is inserted in alphabetical ascending (from A-Z) order. |
alphabeticalDesc | The structure node is inserted in alphabetical descending (from Z-A) order. |
start | The structure node is inserted at the beginning of its parent structure node. |
end | The structure node is inserted at the end of its parent structure node. This is also the default value, if no insertPosition is defined. |
The following XML snippet shows an insert position example:
<!-- Setting the insert Position to "start" inserts the structure node at the beginning of the parent structure node. -->
<property name="sophora:parentStructureNode" insertPosition="start">