If a document's field should inherit its value from structure, both the document's node type and the node type 'sophora-nt:structureNode2' require the property with the same name and analog configuration. In 'sophora-nt:structureNode2' the property must be configured on the Base tab. In the document's node type the property can be configured on any form tab. In both configurations the checkbox "Inherit structure value" must be checked in the input field type parameters.

Not all input field types support inheriting of structure values.
Setting the Structure Value
To set the value which documents should inherit, open the editor of a structure node (by context menu "Edit" in the Structure view), go to the Configuration tab and enter the value in the field. Since structure nodes inherit the values from their parent structure node the usage and behavior of those fields is similar to such fields in the document editor (see next section).

Usage in Documents
In the document editor each field that can inherit its value from the document's structure node has an additional checkbox behind the label of the field. If the checkbox is not checked, the value is inherited and displayed in gray. It is not possible to edit the field in this case.

To overwrite an inherited value the checkbox must be checked. After doing so, the displayed value becomes black and the value in the field can be edited.