User Generated Content

User Generated Content Add-on

Let user comment and rate your content. Run quizzes and polls. Let users send their own content.

Sophora UGC: Moderating Comments
Sophora UGC: Moderating Comments (Image: subshell/CC BY)

Sophora’s User-Generated Content (UGC) module enables the integration of comment and evaluation functions directly into Sophora.

When using the module, visitors of your website can review, comment, and make suggestions about pictures, videos and articles.

Submitted user data is received via form data, while user ratings of Sophora documents (e.g., videos or articles), and comments are received with the "User Feedback" module.


The module allows editors to filter out HTML, JavaScript and undesirable text.

In addition, editors can moderate comments by posting and/or deleting them.

For additional control of the comments, they can be edited and linked to an external authentication.


  • Comments function for various document types
  • Activation of non-registered users (guest comments)
  • Multi-user-system for editors with the option of answering by a multi-user
  • Assignment of mandatory fields in the comment form
  • Saving and archiving of comments to an external location
  • Administration of comments (including approving, editing, replying to comments, …)
  • Filtering comments (e.g. postdate, author, status, …)
  • Determining playout of comments (e.g. name, date, time, …)
  • Confirmation for the user after submission of a comment


Let your users rate Sophora documents. For example, users can rate articles or videos with the UGC feature “rating”.

The module User-Generated Content lists the number of all submitted ratings of a document and calculates the rating’s total average outcome.

The caching function can be used for computerized results in user ratings of Sophora documents. By using the caching for already existing results, time consuming revaluation is not necessary.


Use the “quiz” feature in order to simply create quizzes with Sophora.

When creating a quiz, you can determine individual questions and easily change the order of them in the component view.

All response options of a single question are stored in Sophora’s dynamic table. With the help of this table, editors can determine correct answers and allocate points for each correct response option.

The UGC module stores all submitted answers and accumulated points.

Additionally, a quiz can have a supplemental form which requests and manages the user data.


With the "Poll” feature you have the choice. The User-Generated-Content module contains two different poll options. Editors can either take a simple vote or a ranking:

  • The simple vote allows user to choose from different response options. Each vote has the same value.
  • When participating in a ranking, users can set the order of their vote, for example, to prioritize their choices.

When voting, results will be reported into the backend and can also be exported with Excel.

Furthermore, the results of the votes are saved in the cache memory.

An additional function for votes is the possibility to reset votes. After the poll has ended, user data can be deleted automatically. Naturally, the results of the votes remain after deleting the user data.

Votes are protected from misuse by examining the following criteria for doubled votes: IP address, email address, user agent and referrer.


  • Various poll applications
  • Determination of the playout of the poll (number of options for questions and answers, start-and end-dates, display of votes)
  • Evaluation function for polls
Sophora UGC: Voting Results
Sophora UGC: Voting Results (Image: subshell/CC BY)

Form Data

Save user-related form data with the UGC feature "User Feedback” and review it in the backend.

Further, it is possible to activate the double opt-in process to confirm and activate contact data via email.

The data, transmitted to Sophora documents, can be deleted automatically or manually at any time or when the documents are placed on offline mode.

Sophora UGC: Managing Image Uploads - Overview
Sophora UGC: Managing Image Uploads - Overview (Image: subshell/CC BY)
Sophora UGC: Managing Image Uploads
Sophora UGC: Managing Image Uploads (Image: subshell/CC BY)


All data will be received in deliveries and dispatched asynchronously for further use via HTTP.

The application is in charge of saving data in a relational database. In addition, the application is responsible for all tasks regarding administration and evaluation. Access to edited data is another function of the module. Via this function, users have transparent access to evaluations in deliveries.

Enquiries are permitted for limited per time unit in order to prevent overstrains. In case of an overstrain, users will be informed about it via email.

The amount of access is entered by a central monitoring system, which also controls and intervenes in the case of an overstrain.


Compatible With
Is an Add-on
Is Part Of
Browser, Multimedia
subshell GmbH