Sophora AVTool

Sophora AVTool Add-on

Publish, update and depublish audios and videos on streaming servers and YouTube with Sophora.

Sophora AVTool: Schematic Overview
Sophora AVTool: Schematic Overview (Image: subshell/CC BY)

The Sophora AVTool is designed to seamlessly manage the transfer and management of audio and video assets from Sophora to streaming servers and YouTube. This standalone Java application automates key tasks such as audio and video uploads, updates, and deletions.

Tagesschau YouTube Channel
Tagesschau YouTube Channel powered by Sophora AVTool

The audios and videos in Sophora are managed using "proxy documents," which contain references to assets stored in an external system.

Once a audio or video document is published in Sophora, the AVTool handles tagging the data and transferring the audio or video to streaming servers and YouTube, with the ability to make updates as needed.

Additionally, the module can delete video assets from YouTube if the corresponding document in Sophora is taken offline or deleted, such as when the retention period has expired.

Managing YouTube Publications in Sophora: Highlights

Highlights include:

  • Managing the transfer of video assets to YouTube
  • Setting up videos
  • Compiling YouTube specific descriptions
  • Compiling YouTube specific categories
  • Updating videos
  • Deleting videos
  • Selecting a YouTube account
  • Synchronizing video asset availability and Sophora video document status: When a proxy video document is published in Sophora, it triggers the transfer of the corresponding video assets. Due to the file size, this transfer may take some time. During this period, the status of the proxy video document is set to "pre-published," and editors are unable to modify it. Once the video asset is successfully uploaded to YouTube, Sophora automatically publishes the video document in Sophora and updates its status to "published".
  • Dependency checking to prevent inconsistencies, e.g. when a video asset is referenced in multiple Sophora video documents.
  • MP4 tagging based on properties from the Sophora video document and configuration files, with the option to extend functionality using Groovy scripting.
  • Concurrent transport of multiple assets
  • Flexible configuration: setting up deposit lists, mapping, and defining which fields from Sophora video documents are used.
  • Error handling: email notifications, log files, error codes directly in the Sophora video document, enabling searches and previews
  • Monitoring through JMX


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subshell GmbH