TableStar 5

TableStar Configuration: Documentation

TableStar comes with a set of configuration files such as nodetypes, select values etc.

Configuration Files

In the following sections, all provided configuration files are described. These are necessary for a proper TableStar installation.
The files can be downloaded as a ZIP file from our Artifactory. Further instructions for downloading and importing the ZIP are given in the "Importing the Configuration Files" section.

Structure Nodes

The configuration files will create the following structure nodes:

  • /system/sportergebnisse
  • /system/sportergebnisse/fussball
  • /system/sportergebnisse/teletext

All other configuration files will be located under one of these structure nodes.

Select Values

The following select values will be created when importing the provided configuration files. These are used in several select value fields and will be located at /system/sportergebnisse. If not otherwise declared these select values may be extended with custom values.

Select value nameDescriptionUsage
Alle SpieltageProvides a constant value that is used to describe that all matchdays are affected.This select value is used for the knockout mode configuration of the matchdays of a match round.
DisziplinarkartenProvides a set of disciplinary cards.This select value is used in the disciplinary cards section of a shorthand.
DisziplinenProvides a set of disciplines.This select value is used in match rounds, competitions and events.
ErgebniseigenschaftenProvides labels and descriptions for result values.This select value is used in the bonus points section of point awards.
ErgebnislabelProvides labels and description for result units.This select value is used on result round to specify the unit of the results.
Filter für SpielezusammenstellungenProvides a set a match compilation filters.The select value is used in teams to specify a compilation filter for a team.
Import-QuellenProvides a set of import sources.The select value is used in match rounds and result rounds to specify the import source of the appropriate document.
K.-o.-ModusProvides a set of knockout modes.This select value is used for the knockout mode configuration of the matchdays of a match round.
You may only add new knockout modes which apply to the following format: "play-off-best-of-<int>".
LegendeProvides a set of entries for a legend.This select value is used in matches of match rounds, results of result rounds and in the world records section of record tables.
LigenProvides a set of leagues.This select value is used in competitions.
Mannschaft: Bezug zur VorsaisonProvides a set of connections to the previous season.This select value is used in the teams section of a match round.
MedaillenvergabeProvides a set of medal award constellations.This select value is used in events to specify which medals will be awarded.
PositionenProvides a set of positions.This select values is used in lineups and substitutes of a shorthand.
QualifikationsstatusProvides a set of qualification states.This select value is used in the results section of a result round.
RedaktionProvides a set of editorial teams.This select value is used in team page entries within team documents to declare the editorial responsibility of the team page.
Rekorde und BestleistungenProvides a set of record types.This select value is used in the results section of a result round.
RundenstatusProvides a set of round states.This select values is used in result rounds to specify the type of the results.
SaisonProvides a set of seasons.This select value is used in match rounds and competitions.
It is also used in the season names section of a team to specify different team names for different seasons.
Sieger eines DuellsProvides constant values for the winner of a match.This select value is used in the match details section of a shorthand.
SortierbedingungenProvides a set of sort conditions.This select value is used in the sort criteria table of sort modes.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
Sortierkriterien-VergleichProvides a set of sort criteria comparators.This select value is used in the sort criteria table of sort modes.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
SortierkriterienProvides a set of sort criteria.This select value is used in the sort criteria table of sort modes.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
Spezielle AnsetzungProvides a set of special schedulings.This select value is used in the matches table of a match round.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
SpielphasenProvides a set of phases of a match.This select value is used in the matches table of a match round.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
SpielstatusProvides a set of contest states.This select value is used in the matches table of a match round.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the computation of the tables of a match round.
SportartenProvides a set of sports.This select value is used in match rounds, result round and competitions.
Sportartspezifische BezeichnungenProvides a set of sport specific labels.This select value is used in sport documents.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used internally in several TableStar components.
SportlergeschlechtProvides a set of genders for athletes.This select value is used in athletes.
SportveranstaltungstypenProvides a set of event types.This select value is used in events.
StaffelnProvides a set of divisions.This select value is used in the teams section of a match round as well as in the components of a teletext page.
TabellenplatzierungenProvides a set of special table positions.This select value is used in the table positions section of match rounds and in the table positions section of teletext color settings.
TeilnehmerProvides a set of participant groups.This select value is used in competitions, match rounds, result rounds, teams and in the record sections of records.
TeilnehmerländerProvides a set of countries.This select value is used in athletes, matches and table section of match rounds, events, record sections of records, result section of result rounds and in the medal section of medal table.
Teletext: BegegnungsrundeninhaltProvides a set of match round content.This select value is used in the components of a teletext page. The values specify the content of a match round that shall be rendered on the teletext (sub) page.
This select value must not be changed since it is used internally for the rendering of teletext pages.
Teletext: UnterseitengenerierungProvides a set of teletext sub page generation settings.This select value is used in teletext pages to specify when additional sub pages will be created.
This select value must not be changed since it is used internally for the rendering of teletext pages.
Teletext: ZeitanzeigeProvides a set of teletext time display settings.This select value is used in teletext generation settings to specify how the time of a match will be displayed on a teletext (sub) page.
This select value must not be changed since it is used internally for the rendering of teletext pages.
TickermeldungstypenProvides a set of ticker message types.This select value is used in the liveticker to display the type or status of the ticker message.
VergleichsoperatorenProvides a set of comparators.This select value is used in the bonus points tables of a points award to specify when bonus points are applied.
This select value must not be changed since it is used internally for the computation of the tables.
ZeitpunkteProvides a set of repeating times.This select value is used in match rounds.
This select value must not be changed in any way since it is used in the advancement of the matchday of a match round.
Further information about the matchday advancement can be found in the TableStar Controller Documentation.
Zuordung zu Mannschaft des SpielsProvides set of team affiliations.This select value is used in several statistic tables of a shorthand.

Tab Documents

The following tabs will be created when importing the provided configuration files.

Tab nameApplicable nodetypes


The following nodetypes and configurations will be created when importing the provided configuration files.

sophora-sport-mix:teletextPageVariables-Provides settings properties for the generation of teletext pages.
sophora-sport-nt:achievementRowErfolgeRepresents the achievement rows in an athlete.
sophora-sport-nt:athleteSportlerporträtDocuments of this type represent athletes.
sophora-sport-nt:athleteRefAthleten-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:athlete.
sophora-sport-nt:bonusPointsConditionRowBonuspunkteRepresents bonus point conditions in bonus point tables of a points award.
sophora-sport-nt:competitionWettbewerbDocuments of this type represent competitions.
sophora-sport-nt:competitionsGroupWettbewerbeRepresents a group of competitions an athlete participated in.
sophora-sport-nt:competitionRefWettbewerbsreferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:competition.
sophora-sport-nt:dataTableDatentabelleDocuments of this type represent data tables.
sophora-sport-nt:dataTableGroupDatentabellenRepresents boxes containing data tables.
sophora-sport-nt:dataTableRefDatentabellen-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:dataTable.
sophora-sport-nt:editorialContentRedaktioneller InhaltDocuments of this type represent collections of editorial content.
sophora-sport-nt:editorialContentGroupRedaktionelle InhalteRepresents a group containing editorial contents.
sophora-sport-nt:eventSportveranstaltungDocuments of this type represent sport events.
sophora-sport-nt:eventRefSportveranstaltungsreferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:event.
sophora-sport-nt:goalRowToreRepresents the achieved goals in the statistics of shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:knockoutModeRowK.-o.-ModusRepresents knockout modes in the settings of match rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:labelRowBezeichnungenRepresents labels in the labels table of sports.
sophora-sport-nt:lineupRowMannschaftsaufstellungRepresents a row in the lineup table of a team within a shorthand.
sophora-sport-nt:livetickerLivetickerRepresents a liveticker for a match within a matchround.
sophora-sport-nt:livetickerMessageRowTickermeldungenRepresents a liveticker message entry within a liveticker.
sophora-sport-nt:livetickerRefLiveticker-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:liveticker.
sophora-sport-nt:matchDaysNameRowSpieltagsnamenRepresents matchday names in the settings of match rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:matchRoundBegegnungsrundeDocuments of this type represent match rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:matchRoundRefBegegnungsrunden-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:matchRound.
sophora-sport-nt:matchRoundTeamRefMannschaft einer BegegnungsrundeA reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:matchRound together with a team (of that round).
sophora-sport-nt:matchRowBegegnungRepresents matches in match rounds and shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:matrixColumnHeadlinesRowErgebnismatrix: SpaltenüberschriftenRepresents a table for labels of a result matrix.
sophora-sport-nt:medalTableMedaillenspiegelDocuments of this type represent medal tables.
sophora-sport-nt:medalTableRowMedaillenRepresents medal entries in medal tables.
sophora-sport-nt:medalTableRefMedaillenspiegel-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:medalTable.
sophora-sport-nt:menuSportmenüDocuments of this type represent sport menus.
sophora-sport-nt:menuItemMenüpunktRepresents a menu item in sport menus.
sophora-sport-nt:menuRefSportmenü-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:menu.
sophora-sport-nt:participationsGroupTeilnahmenRepresents the participations group in athletes.
sophora-sport-nt:penaltyCardRowDisziplinarkarteRepresents penalty card entries in shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:penaltyShootoutIncidentRowEreignis beim StrafstoßschießenRepresents shootout incidents in shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:pointsAwardPunktvergabeDocuments of this type define a points award regulation for the computation of match round tables.
sophora-sport-nt:recordTableRekordeDocuments of this type represent record tables.
sophora-sport-nt:recordTableRowRekordRepresents record entries in record tables.
sophora-sport-nt:recordTableRefRekordreferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:recordTable.
sophora-sport-nt:resultRoundErgebnisrundeDocuments of this type represent result rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:resultRoundRefErgebnisrunden-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:resultRound.
sophora-sport-nt:resultRowErgebnisRepresents result entries in result rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:round-Super type for sophora-sport-nt:matchRound and sophora-sport-nt:resultRound.
sophora-sport-nt:roundGroupRundenRepresents boxes containing match rounds or result rounds in a competition.
sophora-sport-nt:seasonNameRowSaisonnamenRepresents season name entries of teams.
sophora-sport-nt:shorthandStenogrammDocuments of this type represent shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:shorthandRefStenogramm-ReferenzThe reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:shorthand.
sophora-sport-nt:sortModeSortiermodusDocuments of this type represent sort modes for the computation of match round tables.
sophora-sport-nt:sortModeRowSortierkriterienRepresents sort criteria in sort modes.
sophora-sport-nt:specialIncidentRowBesondere VorkommnisseRepresents special incidents in shorthands.
sophora-sport-nt:sportSportartDocuments of this type represent sports.
sophora-sport-nt:substitutesBenchRowErsatzbankRepresents substitutions of a team.
sophora-sport-nt:tablePositionsRowTabellenplatzierungenRepresents special table positions in the settings of match rounds.
sophora-sport-nt:tableRowTabelleRepresents entries in a predefined table of a match round.
sophora-sport-nt:teamMannschaftDocuments of this type represent teams.
sophora-sport-nt:teamPageRowMannschaftsseitenRepresents entries in a team pages table within team documents.
sophora-sport-nt:teamRef-The reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:team.
sophora-sport-nt:teamRowTeilnehmerRepresents participating teams in the settings of a match round.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextColorSettingsTeletextfarbeinstellungen (Sport)Documents of this type represent color settings for the rendering of match rounds and data tables in the teletext.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextColorTablePositionsRowTabellenplatzierungenRepresents special table positions in the teletext color settings.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextGenerationSettingsTeletextgenerierungseinstellungen (Sport)Documents of this type represent generation settings for the rendering of match rounds and data tables in the teletext.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextPageTeletextseite (Sport)Documents of this type represent a teletext page.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextSubPageGroupUnterseiteRepresents the sub page groups in teletext pages.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextComponentRef-A reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:dataTable that is used in teletext sub page boxes.
sophora-sport-nt:teletextMatchRoundComponentRef-A reference nodetype for sophora-sport-nt:matchRound that is used in teletext sub page boxes.
sophora-sport-nt:worldCupStandingRowWeltcupstandRepresents a world cup standing entry in athletes.


TableStar comes with a set of useful scripts that can help automate your editorial workflow when creating and maintaining sport content.

For each type of scripts we offer a downloadable archive which includes importable Sophora XML files.
If you want to learn about the functionality of each script, please consult the Javadoc of each script.

Configuration Document

The files also contain a configuration document for TableStar that contains the following keys:

tablestar.import.matchrounds.blacklistUsed in the TableStar import process to ignore all match rounds that are configured here. You may also use regular expressions to exclude all match rounds that match the expression.
  • FB-CL-W-2019-WRD_GR01, FB-CL-W-2019-WRD_GR02, FB-CL-W-2019-WRD_GR03
  • FB-CL-W-20\d\d-WRD_GR\d\d

Example Documents

The provided ZIP does also contain several example documents for point awards, sort modes, sports, data tables, sport menus, shorthands and teletext configuration.
These will all be located at /system/sportergebnisse. If you create new documents you should not locate them under /system since this structure node is usually not accessible by non-admin users. If you want to use any of the provided example documents, you should move them to an accessible structure node.

Importing the Configuration Files

The ZIP containing all above described configuration files can be downloaded from

After extracting the files, you got 2 possibilities to import the files into your Sophora instance:

  1. Import the files by inserting them into the watch folder of your running Sophora Importer instance.
  2. Import the files via a running Sophora DeskClient instance in the given order.

After importing the files you can start creating and manipulating all the TableStar configuration files as well as install and start the TableStar tools.

First Steps After Import

After importing the configuration files you should do the following steps:

  • Check the document reference labels of all document node types if they fit your needs.
  • Check the provided select value labels of the following properties that are configured as a query select value if they fit your needs:
Affected propertyLocation
sophora-sport:eventdefault property configuration
sophora-sport:headToHeadRecorddefault property configuration
sophora-sport:pointsAwardRegulationdefault property configuration
sophora-sport:sortModedefault property configuration
sophora-sport:teamdefault property configuration
sophora-sport:teletextColorSettingsdefault property configuration
sophora-sport:teletextGenerationSettingsdefault property configuration
  • (optional) Enrich the provided document nodetypes with your custom mixins (i.e. for teaser information) and your custom reference nodetypes.
  • Extend the default child node configuration for sophora-sport:copytext by your custom paragraph types.

Last modified on 10/16/20

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
