Importer 5

Sophora Importer Update Notes

Instructions for updating from the previous Sophora version.

5.0.0The possibility to import "categories" has been removed from Importer 5
5.4.0The Sophora Importer now uses Spring 6.1.6 and Spring Boot 3.2.5. Adjust your custom preprocessors, if they make use of Spring or Spring Boot or their dependency management. See the Spring 6 migration guide and the Spring Boot 3 migration guide for details.
5.4.0The Sophora Importer now uses Groovy 4.0. Adjust your custom preprocessors, if they are written in Groovy. See the Groovy 4.0 release notes for details.
5.4.0The Sophora Importer now requires version 1.2.0 of the helm chart sophora-import-job.
5.8.0The precondition of the lifecycleActivity "publish" changed: You can now trigger this activity for pre-published documents. Previously, publishing pre-published documents was only possibly by the lifecycleActivity "finishPrePublishing". The document's life cycle is described on the Instructions documentation page.
5.8.0The behaviour of the lifecycleActivity "finishPrePublishing" changed: You can now use this activity to publish documents that require pre-publication, even if their state is not already 'prePublised'. The Sophora Import sends an additional "publish" event to put documents in the pre-published state. Afterwards the "finishPrePublishing" is carried out as usual.The document's life cycle is described on the Instructions documentation page.

Configuration Changes

5.0.0This must be done before the Importer is started for the first time in version 5.Since Importer 5 the configuration property sophora.client.server-connection.url is removed and replaced by sophora.client.server-connection.urls, where multiple connection urls may be used.
5.4.0This must be done before the Importer is started for the first time in version 5.4.0.The syntax of the logback-spring.xml file changed. To filter log messages marked as 'SPECIAL_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION', adjust your logback configuration according to the example provided on the Installation & Configuration page.
5.0.0After the update to Importer 4.4.0 and before updating to 6.0.0Since importer version 4.4.0 there are two new modules to build and represent Sophora-XML. One of them is the model, which now contains some classes that resided in the Importer core before.
To use the new artifact use the artifactId com.subshell.sophora.importer.model in the groupId com.subshell.sophora

These Classes will be removed in 5.3.0!
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.creators.ProtectionInstruction replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ProtectionInstruction
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.instructions.lifecycle.LifecycleActivityType replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.instructions.LifecycleActivity.Type
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.updating.BehaviourType replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ChildNodeUpdateBehaviour.Behaviour
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.updating.MergeInsertPosition replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ChildNodeUpdateBehaviour.MergeInsertPosition

API Changes

5.0.0com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.creators.CategoryCreator and
are removed from Importer 5
5.0.0The Method IErrorTracker#writeToFile(File file) is removed from Importer 5
5.3.0Code that has been marked for removal in Sophora 5.3.0 has now been removed:
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.creators.ProtectionInstruction replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ProtectionInstruction
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.instructions.lifecycle.LifecycleActivityType replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.instructions.LifecycleActivity.Type
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.updating.BehaviourType replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ChildNodeUpdateBehaviour.Behaviour
  • com.subshell.sophora.importer.core.updating.MergeInsertPosition replaced by com.subshell.sophora.importer.model.documents.ChildNodeUpdateBehaviour.MergeInsertPosition

Last modified on 8/26/24

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