Linkchecker 5

Using the API

Learn how to use the Link Checker API.

The Link Checker API can be used to initiate link checks.



uuidStringyes, in path-The UUID of the link document to check.
waitbooleannofalseWhether to wait for the result of the check. If false, the link check will be performed asynchronously.


If wait is true, the response contains a JSON object in the following format:

  "result": "<check result>",
  "httpStatusCode": <HTTP status code>
resultStringThe result of the check. Can be any one of WORKING, BROKEN, INVALID, or ERROR.
httpStatusCodeintThe HTTP status code that was returned when requesting the link's URL, if any.

If the specified link document does not exist, the endpoint returns a 404 Not Found status code with an empty response instead.

If wait is false, the endpoint always returns a 202 Accepted status code with an empty response.

Last modified on 1/30/24

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